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Thursday, February 10, 2011

My husband and God, united in procrastination.

In the beginning, there was light.

But before the seven days of intense labor that created the masterpiece that is the Universe, before God finally got up and spoke those four words that set the whole of creation into motion, I imagine that there were billions of years of what my husband calls, "The Planning Stage." And if God's Planning Stage was anything like my husband's Planning Stage, is consisted of one part actual planning, one part pondering more planning, and three parts reading Wikipedia articles until 6 am. I imagine that if God also had a wife, she would have been equally as irritated, saying things like, "God, for the love of all that is Holy, just buy the wood already!"

Yeah, my husband still has yet to start on the crib he insists on building himself. I'm due in less than eight weeks. I'm about to kick some procrastinating behind.

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